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Technology Access Request Form

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Fairfield County School District


Acceptable Use Policy

Administrative Procedures for Acceptable Use Guidelines

With the spread of telecommunications throughout the district work place, Fairfield County School District recognizes that employees are changing the ways they share ideas, transmit information, and contact others. The use of new tools and systems brings new responsibilities as well as opportunities. Employees are expected to communicate in a professional manner consistent with state laws governing the behavior of district employees and with federal laws governing copyrighted materials. Communications over the network are often public in nature; therefore, general rules and standards” for professional behavior and communications will apply. Fairfield County School District encourages staff to make use of network and telecommunication systems to explore educational topics, conduct research, and contact others in the educational world. Electronic communications will expedite the sharing of effective practices and lessons across the district. It will also help staff stay on the leading edge of practice by forming partnerships with others across the state and nation.


Use of system(s) resources, the district network, as well as the Internet, shall be in support of education and research that is consistent with the mission of the district. The following behaviors are not permitted on district networks and are prohibited by federal law (CFAA):

  1. Sending, receiving, or displaying offensive messages or pictures
  2. Using obscene language
  3. Harassing, insulting, or attacking others
  4. Engaging in practices that threaten the network (e.g. loading files that may introduce a virus)
  5. Violating copyright laws
  6. Using others’ passwords or log in credentials
  7. Unauthorized access to others’ folders, documents, or files
  8. Intentionally wasting limited resources
  9. Employing the network for commercial purposes
  10. Violating regulations prescribed by the information technology director


Employees will:

  1. Use the network in such a way that it does not disrupt its use by others.
  2. Maintain the integrity of files and data. Modifying or copying files/data of other users without their consent is not permitted.
  3. Be ethical and courteous. Defamatory, harassing or obscene mail, or discriminatory remarks are not allowed on the network.
  4. Treat information created by others as the private property of the creator. Respect the privacy of others.
  5. Use the network to access only work-related material.
  6. Not destroy or abuse computer hardware or software or intentionally waste system resources.
  7. Not use the network or system(s) resources for commercial or criminal purposes.
  8. Not engage in activities deemed as hacking under the CFAA. Hacking may include but is not limited to, attempting to breach any security measure in place such as accessing secured data or other people’s data, interrupting the operation of the computer and/or network, stealing data/programs, or pirating software, and accessing other(s) accounts. The district reserves the right to suspend a user’s account if it is determined that the user is engaged in any unauthorized activity or is violating this code of conduct.

Reports of inappropriate behavior, violations, or complaints will be routed to the employee’s supervisor for appropriate action. Violations may result in disciplinary action consistent with Fairfield County School District policies and regulations regarding employees’ conduct.

The information listed below will be used by the Office of Technology as needed to provide employee access to Fairfield County School District technology resources.

Answer Required
Employee Type*
Answer Required
Use of district technology resources and internet access must be in support of the educational objectives of Fairfield County School District and adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines of the district. Use of the district technology resources and Internet access is a privilege, not a right, and unauthorized or inappropriate use may result in disciplinary action.
I have read the Fairfield County Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines in its entirety and agree to abide by them in my assigned role as an employee of Fairfield County School District.*
Network access will not be granted unless this has been accepted.
Answer Required
Confirmation Email