Career and Technical Education

On a regularly scheduled timeline, CTE courses are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect current and emerging technical content, business and industry needs, and student and industry certifications.

As a result of the dedicated efforts of a team of South Carolina educators from the school and district levels, as well as representatives from institutions of higher education, CTE course standards in the Architecture and Construction, Arts, AV Technology and Communications, Business Management and Administration, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, STEM, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics clusters have been developed or updated and are now available for public review and feedback through an online field review survey. The development process established provides an opportunity to ensure South Carolina’s high-quality standards are based on current research and best practices and meet the varied educational needs of our state’s students.
The link to the online survey is included below. Everyone is invited to review the draft standards and provide feedback using the online forms below by March 1, 2022.
Feedback Forms can be accessed using the following link, Comment Form, located on the same webpage. 
Feedback on the CTE revised and new course standards will be reviewed by the respective writing committees, and necessary revisions will be made to the draft standards. Public comment must be submitted via the online survey forms. The field review period will end July 1, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
Please share this communication with your teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders.
Thank you.
Dana Depew