Secondary Education » Secondary Education

Secondary Education

Welcome to Secondary Education in Fairfield County!

The Secondary Education Area provides leadership in establishing a comprehensive system of support to middle and high schools, Career and Technology Education, Alternative Education, and Adult Education Programs for the purpose of implementing the curricular and instructional initiatives and in improving student achievement. Instruction and outcomes are monitored for opportunities to better meet the needs of secondary and adult learners.

Secondary Education consists of the following programs/areas:
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • World Languages
  • Career and Technology Education
  • Alternative Education
  • Adult Education
  • Guidance and Counseling Services
  • School Library Media Services
  • Instructional Materials (Textbooks)
  • School Improvement Council
Curriculum Maps establish consistency of instruction throughout the secondary schools – in different grade levels and subject areas – by providing clear guidance on what your children’s teachers should teach and when they should teach it. Our Curriculum Maps define the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level and course.

The consistency will allow Fairfield County School District to provide targeted resources and support that all teachers can use and will provide the opportunity for schools to share successful strategies and ideas with other schools across the district.